Corolla got thirsty …

by Joz & Geronimo …. There are days one does not forget! Beautiful weather, awesome start … and a great Plan! But as we know life is full of surprises .. right? right! The Setting: The ends of the earth 68º N Arctic Norway. The Actors: Glenn (the next guy’s friend and our driver), Geronimo […]

15 years …

… it was early hours (1:00 am) in the morning of the 21st of September of 1991, when our first daughter Kim Madeleine saw the light of night! I remember walking about around midnight and expecting our second child and wondering how in the world am I going to deal with a daughter. Being a […]

Down under …

So I will be hrading to Down under on friday (22nd) and will be at the Nations2Nations event in Brisbane for a week and then head down to Melbourne to teach in School of Communnication Foundations (SCF) as well as the DTS Discipleship Training School at the UofN’s Surrey Hills’ campus . Prayers much appreciated […]

Patience …

It was a year ago today that we flew in to Cape Town, a trip that was the beginning of journey that was to end after 6 months. Now here we are in Montreal and still awaiting this journey to end sooner than later. Our goal is the move to Kona, Hawaii, as most of […]

Da ….. Code (part 2)

Ok, it was over two hours, and not an hour and half! I went with Monika on a Sunday morning and she did not know the story. I did know the story due to the fact that I had heard the Audio book. The cinema was not full and the movie began with a great […]