Joseph Avakian

Its been a crazy week!

After 6 weeks in Amsterdam this week began crazy! Our Old 17 Inch broke down and we are still figuring out what happened! At the same time I got sick and still am fighting this flu that has pretty much paralyzed my production. But all in all we laugh at lifes surprises and such surprises […]

Hello world!

Welcome to my Blog. This is my first post. I hope you want to return and read what I have been pondering upon and what I am up now a days! This will be my test blog and if this does grow then I will move it later to my own site! I hope you […]

About me

male, twin, son, brother, armenian, husband, father, friend, artist, creator, thinker, educator, traveler, missionary, ywamer, businessman, nations2nations, culture, techie, braii lover, basketball, Music, food, all continents, photgraphy, art, illustrations, warm weather, beach, travel, films, theater, dance, … I think visitors should post to this what they think about Joz! (be nice ya hear, pleez)