Patience …

It was a year ago today that we flew in to Cape Town, a trip that was the beginning of journey that was to end after 6 months. Now here we are in Montreal and still awaiting this journey to end sooner than later. Our goal is the move to Kona, Hawaii, as most of […]

Relationship …

We are created out of a relationship between 2 beings; we are born into relationships, family, race, people, nation and so on! Our very existence is based on the relationships we then choose to embrace or denounce! Most of us by the age of 18, have decided what relationships we are seeking, who we are […]

Choices… (to read or not to read…)

According to research, we make up to 22,000 major and minor choices in a day. Some major ones are what we eat, wear and how we plan our day, but there are those minute choices that seem so small that we would think they are not important like which direction to lead astatement within a […]

Breath of life …

Its amazing how many fleeting moments pass us by and we realize that our very being is maintained by the fact that we unconsciously breath! How very few times we conciously stop to take a deep breath for exaample to go deeper when we are in water knowing without air we cannot be down there […]

Da ….. Code (part 1)

This blog will have 2 parts .. One before seeing the movie that has a similar title as this blog, and the second part will come after having watched the movie! Da ….. code is about to hit the cinema's … this week worldwide! i will watch it asap! Part 1: When the book was […]