How importnat is the smallest of all decision that we daily make in the split of the split of sconds! I wonder, We often think that small decisions are not as pivotal! We base our experience on how pivotal something was on the outcome of that decision, and not on the decision just before that moment.

How many of us look back and maybe even not too far back, and think based on the outcome, reflect saying “whew, I am glad I made a good desicion”. But every decision made is a result of a decision that is a predecessor and that again a predecessor. Last night I watched the movie “The Last King of Scottland” a movie based on the life and regime of Idi Amin of Uganda back in the 70’s. The movie shows the life of a mann who’s decision to keep what he had and his own fear made make decision taht cost the life and growth of a nation.

One of the key scenes in the movie is when Idi Amin talking about the bnetrayal of of His personal Physician, calls himslef I am the father of Uganda! Wow .. where does such a statement come from? from it being a symbolic statement to a stetment of Identity? In many ways I know how … If you can handle injustice and human breakdown, then see this movie, I hope it will raise questions about the tragedy of life!

Many times in my life I came to conclusions as well that were then pivotal , its most likely rooted in isolation, in a place of dialogue only with oneself and ones heart and mind! Whether we come from community cultures or more individualised cultures …we can become isolated! Its a human thing not a cultural thing!

So those little decision that we might think are smal,l will at the end be the pivotal ones … the ones that initiate trigger and then also sustain our very lives!

Any one has comments about this one? it would be interesting to see how we all wise up and learn to differentiate the good choices ahead of time! Maybe the Mystery are a part of life and they might just be here to stay … so life Trials and errors are just the inevitable!

We are human and we are finite … I guess we do need another prespective, I rely often on the infinite wisdom and input of the Creator, and the help His Spirit can give us! Yet Again .. what Spirit to we allow ourselves to be led by … that is Pivotal!

the Joz

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