This blog will have 2 parts .. One before seeing the movie that has a similar title as this blog, and the second part will come after having watched the movie! Da ….. code is about to hit the cinema's … this week worldwide! i will watch it asap!

Part 1: When the book was first introduced many read it, and a few did not agree with it and complained! yet it was a best seller and in the shortest time got translated into many languages. After a while the Book just kept on selling, it was everywhere and many, including those that were told not to read it, read it!

Now that book is about to come as a full feature film. Try putting a few hundred pages into an hour and half celluloid! Will the film deliver what the book contains? will Director Ron Howard capture the key characters? and will the actors deliver a stunning preformance so it wins the audience into the conspicacy? All I know is tha the media is making a big deal about about the chistians making a big deal about a book that makes a big deal in quesionnning a relationship that took place 2000 years ago!

Is the story true? Was there a conspiracy? What if it were so? for those of us that read or heard the book, you have made up your mind, I would hope! but for those of us that will go see the movie, well go see it and make up your mind and give us your comments!

It is amazing that telling a story about a a few people hiding a secret and those that are trying to expose this secret is such an anticipated film. What we do not know excites us, yet most movie goers do not believe in God or His son Jesus right? or do they? Will the truth about this secret truly change our faith? is our faith based on one account? or many? and is the Bible true or not? can it be proven? All the books written, past and present do they truly answer the deeper questions of faith? Do they direct us to seek further if we still are seekers? And will this film shake my faith? or the faith of millions of followers of Christianity? I wonder, whether this is another one of those "big, bang, boom" stories, that will not dent eternity! Sony will get my money and Dan brown will be happy … I believe there is a code that we need to expose, but it originates far past our begginings and will determine our future.

so lets see how this week will end and wheter this film based on a book that is based on fiction will conquer your faith foundations or not … after what movie has really impacted and truly changed you and your faith into who you have become? I would love to know! part 2 coming soon … Joz

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